Doctor Schiau is radiologist and medical doctor FMH and she’s active at the center Medimage in Geneva, Switzerland.
Doctor Schiau intervenes in Radiology functions and accompanies you during your medical examinations. She also intervenes in senologies acts (mammography, and breast IRM).
Doctor Schiau’s profile and experience:
After a thorough training of many years as a radiologist at the HUG (University hospitals of Geneva) allowing me to acquire an excellent training especially within the IRM field of expertise, I have then joined the radiology services of a large clinic in the canton de Vaud where I have been able to practice for more than 10 years.
I then have decided to open my own radiology center. That experience allowed me during 14 years to study various different patient approaches in order to serve them even better and that experience enriched me a lot. Accredited from the start as a breast cancer screening center within the canton of Vaud I have acquired a very extensive and large experience in senology which Ii can put in the service of Medimage today.
“I regularly join with pleasure the center Medimage stuffed with a pleasant and competent team of professionals assisting me in performing my job which has always fascinated me.”