Mammography examination


This is the gold standard radiographic examination for screening for and diagnosing breast cancer in women.

It enables the breast tissue to be studied and any nodules detected. If necessary, this examination can be supplemented with an ultrasound or biopsy. Our medical imaging centre in Geneva is approved by the Breast Cancer Screening Foundation.


Mammographie a Geneve



How can I prepare for the medical imaging examination?

  • It is essential to bring along your previous mammograms. Please avoid talc, cream and glitter deodorant before the mammogram.
  • For pre-menopausal women, it is advisable to make an appointment between the 1st and 12th day of your cycle.



Mammogram examination procedure


Duration of the imaging examination: 15 minutes to take the shots.

A technician will position your breast to take a few shots. You will then see the radiologist for the results.



Effects related to imaging


No effects are expected.

Discomfort or pain may be felt due to the breasts being compressed between the two plates.



The results of the radiological imaging examination


The results are known immediately and are processed by the doctor responsible for your case at our centre. A full report is sent to your prescribing doctor. On the other hand, if you go through the screening foundation, the result will be sent to you (and your doctor) later.



What is the purpose of a mammogram?


The mammogram is a radiological examination of the breast which is most often prescribed for women. But men can also benefit from this examination. Using X-rays, the device enables the breast tissue to be seen from several angles.

The machine is equipped with a compression system. The breast is placed between two plates, which compress it so that the tissues are “spread out” as much as possible. This allows for a better view of the tissue as well as a reduction in the amount of X-rays.



When is a mammogram used?


A mammogram is mainly used to detect or analyse breast abnormalities. By studying breast tissue, the radiologist is able to detect nodules, fibroids, cysts, microcalcifications, or any other abnormality that should be monitored. The examination also makes it possible to make a diagnosis when the patient presents with certain symptoms, such as discharge from the nipple, a lump, redness, etc.

The mammogram is therefore the gold standard examination for breast cancer. In some cases a mammogram can be or must be supplemented with: an MRI, breast ultrasound, puncture, biopsy, etc.









Learn more about the other examinations available at the Medimage centre: radiography and radiology in Geneva, MRI in Geneva (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CT scanning, cardiac imaging, ultrasound in Geneva, elastography, biopsy in Geneva, infiltrations in Geneva, PRP infiltrations, dental panoramic or mineralometry.

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